
  • floor1
  • floor2
  • floor3
    Unknown column 'store_tag' in 'where clause'
    select * from store inner join location on store.store_id = location.store_id inner join floor on location.location_floor = floor.floor_id where store_status = 1 and store_approve = 2 and location_status = 1 and floor_status = 1 and (store_name like '%Chic Chic%' or CONCAT(',',store_tag,',') like '%,Chic Chic,%' or location_room like '%Chic Chic%') or (product_name like '%Chic Chic%' or product_sku like '%Chic Chic%' or product_short_description like '%Chic Chic%' or product_description like '%Chic Chic%' or product_tag like '%Chic Chic%') and location_floor = '1' order by store_pin desc, store.store_id, location_floor, location_room